Chris embarked on his radio journey in 1998, trained under the legendary Bruno Brookes at the Bruno Brookes Radio School. This golden ticket launched him onto various radio stations, including Stray FM (now Greatest Hits Radio Harrogate), where his voice became a beloved staple. A DJ since 1976 and a fully qualified coach driver, Chris has navigated both the UK's airwaves and motorways with flair and finesse.
Passionate about music and entertaining people, Chris found radio's ego-filled environment a bit too much. So, he teamed up with David to create True Radio, a station he's immensely proud of. With a knack for making listeners laugh and feel at home, Chris Kelly brings his unique blend of wit, wisdom, and wicked songs to the airwaves, proving that sometimes the best journeys are the ones you create yourself.
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Mr Blue Sky
Electric Light Orchestra6:50am
Something To Someone
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